Welcome to Ancestry Server
Getting Started
This is the page for information about how to use our Ancestry Hub. If you have further questions, please click Forum.
01. Registration, Sign Up and Login
Step1: fill in a registration form
Step2: Fill in a sign up form. Please make sure that your email address is consistent between two forms.

Step3: After Step 2, you will receive an approval notice in your email within one business day, then your account is ready for you to upload the data.

02. Prepare your data
Please prepare two input files:
1) VCF files (genotypes or haplotypes) compressed by bgzip (*.vcf.7z). If you need help on creating this format of files, please click here.
2) A brief inquire form about global ethnicity and recruitment place of each sample.
Please note:
· Variants must be sorted by their genomic positions within each chromosome.
· GRCh37 (hg19) coordinates are required.
· Your VCF.gz file size can’t bigger than 1G.
· The maximum number for each VCF file is 500 samples.
03. Upload your data
VCF.gz files can be uploaded from your local disk. In both cases, several files can be selected at once. If you have other format files, please click here to contact us.
1) Login;
2) Click "Member Service";
3) Click "Upload" to upload your data.
4) We will perform a format check on your upload files and send you an email about the check result, we will also email you a job-specific case code of your project and job queue.
* Multiple files can be imported simultaneously. If your files are larger than 1G, please click here.

04. Download result
Once your job is done, we will email you a notification. You will have 30 days to use an encrypted connection to get your results. You can download your results:
1) Login;
2) Click "Member Service";
3) Click "Download";
4) Fill in the case code, which can be found in the email notice;
5) Click "Download";
6) The results will be a zip file.